25 4th Street, NW, Pulaski, VA 24301
(540) 980-0922

About Us

About the Pulaski Free Clinic
Our Mission is to provide quality healthcare to uninsured adults and those with Medicaid in Pulaski County, Virginia.
The Pulaski Free Clinic was founded more than 40 years ago by community leaders who believed that everyone has the right to health care.
Today, the clinic provides primary medical care to low-income adult residents of Pulaski County who do not receive health insurance benefits in the workplace, who cannot afford private insurance, as well as those covered by Medicaid.
The Pulaski Free Clinic is a nonprofit 501c3 charitable organization.
Our Providers:

Dr. Carl Hanks
Dr. Hanks joined the clinic in July 2015. He attended the University of Virginia, for both his undergraduate and medical degrees. He was in private practice for eight years and worked for 20 years as an emergency physician.

The Pulaski Free Clinic's Board of Directors
President ~ James Kelly
Treasurer ~ Carolyn Puckett
Secretary ~ Donna Moore
Rick Mansell, DDS
Will Hale
Gary Hancock
Guy Smith
Chris Stafford
Sally McCarthy
Charles Bopp

Executive Director
Linda Frank has served as Executive Director since January, 2016
A native of Richmond, Linda worked with United Way of Greater Richmond as Director of the Older Adults Partnership - a coalition of healthcare and service providers working to make services accessible to at-risk elderly. From there, she was recruited to serve as Executive Director of The Shepherd’s Center of Richmond, a nonprofit volunteer service and life-long learning organization.
Linda has worked directly with low-income clients with mental health challenges, teaching life skills such as navigating the healthcare system. In addition to her passion for human services, Linda brings experience and skill in program development, volunteer management, technology, and grant-writing to the clinic.
E-mail: Linda@PulaskiFreeClinic.org